Volunteering in Honduras?
That’s awesome. We appreciate, genuinely, your work in Honduras. We know volunteering with an NGO is rewarding but can be tough on your budget.
We would love for you to make D&D your hangout, your escape, your break, your place to unwind.
For volunteers living in Honduras, we’re happy to offer a 10% discount on all lodging accommodations + one free D&D beer or soda. Please note that the free drink only counts if you’re staying overnight 🙂
This discount is currently available to volunteers from the following organizations:
1. BECA (Bilingual Education for Central America)
2. OYE (Organization for Youth Empowerment)
3. TLC (The Leadership Center)/Art for Humanity
4. SHH (Students Helping Honduras)
5. NPH Honduras (Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos)
6. Global Brigades
7. Shoulder to Shoulder
8. Oxfam-Québec
9. SUCO – Honduras
10. Identity Mission Honduras
11. Ignite Honduras
12. Helping Honduras Kids
13. Club Rotaract (Tegucigalpa Sur)
14. Dar a Luz Honduras
15. Worldwide Heart to Heart
16. Montaña de Luz
17. The Children’s Home Project
18. Living Waters for the World
19. Christian Educational Community (CEE)
20. La Providencia – Honduras
21. Mennonite Central Committee – Honduras
22. Honduran Fellowship of Missionaries and Ministries
23. Walk Beside Me for Knowledge (WBK)
24. Garden Villa School
25. Cultivate Life
Don’t see your organization listed above? Send us a quick e-mail and we’ll be happy to add yours to our list!
P.S. — We don’t like fine print either, but we do have one catch: this discount is not available for use during the following major holidays: Semana Santa, the October “Feriadon,” and from December 20th-January 5th.
Also, this discount is available only for lodging at D&D Brewery and is not valid for rooms at Paradise Plantation (Finca Paraiso)